Leggings legs: what is it and should you care? | luna app

The truth about "leggings legs"

Can you get a thigh gap fast? 👀

Body image & positivity

Quick summary 📝

1️⃣ "Leggings legs" is a social media trend that refers to a natural thigh gap that some people have – often visible in leggings ♡

2️⃣ It's largely out of our control – factors like bone structure, height, and muscle distribution determine it 🧬

3️⃣ It's not a healthy goal – if this doesn't come naturally to you, focus on feeling strong and confident in your natural body 💕

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"Leggings legs" (or a thigh gap) is a social media trend that refers to a gap between the thighs when standing with feet together.

This may be more visible when wearing leggings.

Unfortunately, social media often turns natural body variations into "problems"  but luna wants to focus on the facts instead 💡

What causes a thigh gap?

Here are the main factors that determine if someone has a thigh gap:

👉 Bone structure: wider hips naturally create more space between the thighs

👉 Height: shorter people are more likely to have a thigh gap due to hip shape and bone angles

👉 Muscles: stronger legs naturally touch more, as the inner thigh muscles help with balance

These are mostly genetic, which we largely have have no control over.

If you're curious about how these factors impact other parts of our body, check out: is it normal not to have a flat stomach?

Is it possible to get a thigh gap fast?

Many exercise routines claim you can "get a thigh gap" through workouts or diets 👀

While losing body fat might make a thigh gap more visible, you would also need the right bone structure, height, and muscle.

🚫 No diet or exercise guarantees a thigh gap.

Aside from that, this just isn’t a healthy goal!

There are no health benefits of having a gap between your thighs if this isn't natural to you.

What can you aim for instead? ✨

Instead of focusing on changing your body, focus on feeling strong, confident, and happy 🌷

👉 Try exercises that you enjoy: walking, swimming, gymming, cycling, or yoga – whatever feels good

👉 Set meaningful goals: aim to be stronger, more flexible, or have better endurance, rather than focusing on weight loss

👉 Eat to nourish your body: food is fuel

If you want to explore more about setting healthy body goals, you can read about how to build healthy habits on luna.

Your body is not a trend 🫶

Everyone’s body is unique and that's amazing – you don’t need to change anything about it to fit in or feel good.

If there’s one thing to take away, remember: your body is your home, not a trend.

How we created this article:

luna's team of experts comprises GPs, Dermatologists, Safeguarding Leads and Junior Doctors as well as Medical Students with specialised interests in paediatric care, mental health and gynaecology. All articles are created by experts, and reviewed by a member of luna's senior review team.


Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy "Kinesiology of the Hip: A Focus on Muscular Actions" | Accessed 04.02.25


ResearchGate "Men and women have similar Q angles - A clinical and trigonometric evaluation" | Accessed 04.02.25


National Library of Medicine "A Systematic Review on Quadriceps Angle in Relation to Knee Abnormalities" | Accessed 04.02.25


Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy "The Quadriceps Angle: A Review of the Literature" | Accessed 04.02.25
